Toddlers (ages 18 months to 3 years) and preschool children (ages 4 and 5) and their caregivers are invited to join Miss Suzanne in the kitchen for a four-week Storytime unit called Cooking Time, which begins Tuesday and Wednesday, November 15 and 16 for two age groups. The Toddler Time group meets Tuesdays, from 10:15 to 11:00, in the library Community Room, and the Fun for 4s and 5s group meets on Wednesdays, at the same time and place. We will talk about safety in the kitchen, nutrition, and cooking procedures, as we prepare simple snacks. Each child receives a free apron! Register for the free sessions online (http://www.perry., email Suzanne Kestel (, or call the library (515-465-3569), to sign up.