Churdan LibraryThe Churdan Public Library is continuing their efforts to expand their facility.

Library Director Shari Minnehan says they recently received a $60,000 grant from Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation that not only puts them over their halfway point in raising funds to add on to their building, but it also helps them to apply for other grants.

“It’s very difficult to find brick and mortar grants for libraries. It’s easy to find programming grants that will buy you books or technology, but to actually build the building is very difficult. So right now we’re in the process of a writing a grant for the Roy J. Carver Foundation.”

The grant is for about 20 percent of the entire project, which is over $275,000. So far they’ve raised just over $130,000 since starting in December of 2013. Minnehan adds that the grant application is due by May 31st and they will be notified if they received the grant by mid-July.

Future fundraising events include a 4th of July celebration with the Town and Country Band.

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