The Greene County School Board met Wednesday in regular session.
Under old business, the Board tabled their decision about the bus barn lease agreement with the Greene County Fair Board, pending a finalized yearly agreement at June’s meeting. The Board then discussed project ideas to reallocate the $68,044 from Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, since they are no longer going to use those funds to build a bus barn. No formal decision was made, but the Board indicated using the funds towards learning materials for the students.
Another discussion took place about the possibility of installing an electronic door security system. The Board tabled their decision until more information was given at their June meeting.
The Board then held another discussion about budget considerations for the 2016-17 school year. Superintendent Tim Christensen said after all the adjustments, the district was looking at $29,000 in the black for the upcoming school year. The Board then discussed to either keep the middle school band director position or eliminate it. The district advertised for the position and received ten applicants. Following the discussion, the Board passed a 5-2 vote to hire an individual for the position.
Elementary Principal Scott Johnson mentioned that the elementary school would be considered as a School In Need of Assistance level II for the upcoming school year for a second consecutive year, due to all schools that are SINA having their status frozen from this year.
It was then reported that 130 students will be required to attend summer school as part of the literacy retention policy.
Under new business, the Board approved to refinance their 2007 revenue bonds for remodeling the elementary school and it would save the district $141,000. The Board also approved two late early retirements for Jean Godwin and Ginny Destival, the negotiated contracts for the administrative staff, the Greene County Education Association and the classified staff positions for a 2.66 percent increase with Christensen, Brenda Muir and Karen Sandberg not taking the increase in pay, a two percent increase for the bus driver’s union Labor’s Local 177 and the teacher leadership positions for the upcoming school year.
The Board also approved a curriculum director sharing agreement with LuVerne School District, no increase in registration fees but a ten cent increase in lunch prices for the 2016-17 school year, the baseball and softball officials list for this summer, amending the depository resolution to increase the maximum amount at People’s Trust and Savings Bank up to $7 million and the first reading to change a board policy so that classified staff would have ten days of bereavement if a spouse or dependent child dies.
The Board also held a discussion about the district’s attendance policy. Following the discussion, the Board decided to table their decision until June’s meeting while looking at how to handle tardies and making the policy be consistent across all levels.