greene county historical societyThe Greene County Supervisors recently approved the secondary roads department’s five-year construction plan, which includes four projects this next fiscal year.

County Engineer Wade Weiss says two bridges are slated to be replaced in the next fiscal year that starts on July 1st. One bridge is at Hyde Park on county road N-65 and the other is on county road E-39 in Ralston. Both bridges were deemed structurally inefficient, which means parts of the bridge is not good, but people can still safely travel over them. Parts of the structures that sit on wood piles have been crushed. The estimated cost to replace the Hyde Park bridge is over $1.8 million and the Ralston bridge is $500,000.

Weiss notes that he will use farm-to-market funds and federal aid money to pay the Hyde Park bridge. As for the Ralston bridge project, he’ll use local road-use gas tax money.

The other two projects are pavement overlay rehabilitation on county road N-65 from E-39 to the Greene and Calhoun County line and paving the three-quarter of a mile of road on Trinity Avenue and 125th Street in Paton. Payment for the $1.5 million overlay project will come from farm-to-market and federal aid funds. Farm-to-market funds will also be used along with the Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy grant in the Paton road project.

There’s no timetable of when each project will start.


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