ISU students from February visit. Photo courtesy of Jefferson Matters
ISU students from February. Photo courtesy of Jefferson Matters

A project that started at the beginning of the year is nearing completion in Jefferson.

Iowa State University College of Design Retail Scapes students have been making monthly trips to Jefferson to provide fresh ideas of how to improve the overall look of the City. Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Peg Raney says the students gathered lots of information from several community members to give them a little bit of direction.

“At our last meeting, we really talked to them, ‘what would you, as a young person and a young professional person moving to a community, what are we missing in that you think would be really cool to draw you into the community.”

The public is invited to see the kinds of ideas that the students have with a come-and-go event planned from 2 to 4pm on Monday, March 28th at the Sierra Community Theater. The students will have posters of their projects and attendees can ask questions and interact with the students.

The final presentations will be made in April.


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