Out with the old and in with the improvements, that would most likely be an apt description of the ADM’s athletic facilities project that will soon be commencing.

The ADM school board has been working alongside frk+ architects & engineers to design and implement upgrades to the ADM outdoor athletic facilities. The project has been divided up into three separate phases with phase one to commence soon. There are a lot of improvements that will be implemented throughout the entire process but perhaps some of the more notable ones will start in the first phase.

Raccoon Valley Radio was able to sit down with ADM Activities Director Reece Satre as he gave a run down of a few of the more notable improvements to the outdoor facilities in phase one.

“Phase one includes a new field turf surface out at the stadium, and we’ll also be tearing out and putting in a new track surface and by doing that we will be widening the field to accommodate the Olympic size track and provide more space. Phase one will also include new lighting for our outdoor varsity competition fields which will make up the four major components of phase one” stated Reece.

Phase two of the facilities upgrades is set start February of 2017 and end in April of that same year while schematic design for phase three is scheduled for July of 2017 and set to end December of 2018.

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