dallas-county3The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session Tuesday.

Items on the agenda include a public hearing at 8am in regards to the fiscal year 2016-17 assessor’s budget, followed by the regular meeting at 9am.

The Board will consider a child abuse prevention proclamation, an E911 and dispatch security proposal and a Dayton House Certified Local Government grant contact.

Two public hearings will then be held in regards to a consolidated communications phone services contract and the third reading of an amendment to the county code of ordinances for the airport.

The Supervisors will then award a bid for the debris removal project, consider a wetland credit purchase from the Iowa DOT, appoint township trustees, discuss department space and approve pay applications and change orders for the human services renovation project.

The regular meeting takes place in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in Adel.  Tuesday evening they will then reconvene at the Farm Bureau Office for dinner and an update.


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