Sarandon pic 1A movie star drew over 75 people to Homestead Coffee and Bakery in Jefferson on Wednesday.

Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon was campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. She said no one is attacking Sanders because there’s nothing on his record that people can use against him or reason to be against the man. She also addressed concerns such as gun control and making it more difficult to purchase firearms, to education and stopping the “factory” mindset and make kids think again.

Greene County resident Sheryl Calder is an undecided voter and is going to participate in the caucus. She told Raccoon Valley Radio what she thought of Sarandon and what the actress had to say about the Vermont Senator.

“Well she is very articulate and she really did listen to the people and answered the questions. I do think Bernie (Sanders) is a really great guy and I do think he stands for what I stand for. My one concern has been if he does get the nomination, if he can truly win and she kept saying, ‘Well, who’s saying he can’t win?’”

Sarandon also made trips to Iowa Falls, Des Moines and Mason City on Wednesday.


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