Christmas is this week already and there’s no snow on the ground.  So what are the odds of us having a white Christmas this year?

Experts with the National Weather Service say it’s quite unlikely.  Meteorologist Rod Donavon with the National Weather Service says there is a storm coming the middle of this week.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty with this storm, but certainly it may have an impact across the upper Midwest and it will certainly have the potential for some snow but right now, overall chances for a white Christmas at this time are looking pretty low.  We may end up starting with rain with that system and the snow may end up in the northwest but certainly there’s a chance if that storm produces.”

And even then, Donavon says we would need a pretty big snow storm for it to stick.

“Any light snow event would likely melt pretty quickly as we have warm ground temperatures and a lot of water sitting around.  So it would take a pretty substantial event, or at least one that would produce several inches of snow to really get it to stick and stay around for Christmas.”

The current forecast shows temperatures look to be in the mid to high 40s on Friday.

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