The Guthrie Center City Council met Monday night.
They voted to use approximately $1,000 worth of rock to fill in the alleyway between the east side of the city cemetery and Pazazz Salon and Tanning.
City Administrator Laura Imerman reported that the swimming pool operated at a deficit of between $20,000-$25,000 in 2015. That’s several thousand dollars worse than usual and Imerman attributes the poor performance to a mild summer.
Additionally, the Council set a public hearing date of January 11th for vacating alleyways between 4th-5th streets and 3rd-4th streets.
The Council approved the revised 1st reading of their parking ordinance. They then suspended the rules and completed the final two readings. As part of publicizing the ordinance, individuals who enter City Hall to apply for a building permit will be explained the ordinance.
Plus, the Council continues to discuss the topic of a proposed rental housing ordinance and maintenance code. This policy is expected to be discussed in much greater detail once Councilor-elects Michael Herbert, Ian Steensen and Patrick Halsey take office next month.
Monday’s meeting was the last for outgoing Councilors Roger Underwood, Carolyn Masters and Craig Heckman, who was absent from the meeting. All three Councilors were thanked for their service by Mayor Denny Kunkle.