On Sunday, Christ Lutheran Church in Jefferson will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

A special service will be held at 10:30am and will feature the leader of the Western Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with Bishop Rodger Prios.  Previous Pastors of the congregation and former members of the church have been invited to the service.

Following the worship service will be a noon meal and a time for fellowship and remembrance.

The building was a gift from the Trinity Lutheran Congregation of Rusk, after their organization closed in 1990 and it was moved 70 miles from Pocahontas County.  The trip took seven days to complete and volunteers helped to build the foundation where the 95 year-old building now sits.  Pews and other decor were donated by the Strand Lutheran Church of Dunbar, following its closure.  The first worship for Christ Lutheran was held in the fall of 1991.

The church is located at 1201 South Elm Street.


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