Greene County Supervisors to Meet Tomorrow

The Greene County Board of Supervisors will meet tomorrow.

The Board will consider for approval a beer permit for the Pedaler’s Jamboree in Cooper and a down payment tax abatement assistance program.

A public hearing will also be held at 9am for a hog confinement expansion in Franklin Township.

The meeting will be at 8:30am in the boardroom of the courthouse in Jefferson.
Greene County Schools Bond Referendum: 5th-12th Grade Building Discussion

We are a little more than a week away from a $20 million bond referendum vote in the Greene County School District.

Today, we will look at the proposed 5th through 12th grade building renovation and expansion.  Superintendent Tim Christensen says they want to improve efficiencies, safety and security by adding fifth through eighth grade to the current high school building.  Plans include renovating the current hallways on the west side and add a few more classrooms for a fifth through eighth grade wing and adding classrooms onto the east side for a new high school wing.  Christensen notes that fifth through eighth and 9th through 12th will have separate entrances and parking areas.  He points out that their configuration will keep middle school and high school grades separate.

“Parents do have some concerns about a 12 year-old mixing with a 19 year-old.  I understand that concern.  We want to do everything we can to keep those kids as separate as possible and I think we can do a great job of that with separate entrances (and) classrooms should be separate.  (There) should be no need those kids really to mix.”

Other plans include adding a new gym for high schoolers and the existing gym would be used by middle schoolers.  There will also be a new cafeteria so that both middle and high school grades are separated.  More practice rooms, a green room and a dedicated band and vocal area would be improvements to the performing arts suite.  Additional parking will be included on the high school addition, along with closer parking to Ram Restaurant.

Anyone wanting more information or questions about the bond can attend a few more informational meetings at Ram Restaurant at the high school tomorrow through Wednesday at 6:30pm.

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