Pickup and drop off at the Perry Elementary School will be quite different this fall after the school district spent around $1 million on a complete overhaul of the parking lot.
Elementary staff and school vehicles will park and pick up students in the east lot behind the school. Therefore, parents, visitors and community members are not allowed to enter, drive through or park on the east side of the building between 7:30am and 4pm. However, parents dropping their kids off for PACES will be able to access the east lot.
The front driveway and access to the parking lot on the west side of the building is a one way, with the entrance on the south side, closest to the McCreary Community Building. There is a new lane closest to the building and sidewalk that is for student drop off in the morning and pickup in the afternoon only. The lane near the parking lot is only for driving through and stopping will not be allowed.
Those who want to park their car and enter the building can do so in the new front parking lot or on a side street. However, Dewey Street is a drop off and pick up only zone between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Anyone who has questions can call the school at 465-5656.