Guthrie-ISU-Ext-Guthrie-County-Fair-1-4-SkyThe Iowa State Fair begins today and many Guthrie County residents will be at the fairgrounds in Des Moines competing in numerous exhibitions. Guthrie County Extension Youth Coordinator Mollie Clark says 32 static exhibit competitors are in Des Moines. Clark adds that Guthrie County has a few specialty categories that consistently do well at the State Fair. “What is different about Guthrie County is that we have a great relationship with our Future Farmers of America (FFA) group. So, we have a huge number of FFA participants in that and they show lots of pictures and lots of welding. They restore tractors for their class projects, so we show a lot of tractors and that’s kind of special to Guthrie County.”

Clark will tell us more about the State Fair and the upcoming Guthrie County Fair today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 and

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