Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 3.43.18 PMA charity event in honor of a local fallen marine will ride off from Perry next weekend.

The fifth annual Josh Davis Memorial Poker Run takes place Saturday, August 8th.

The $15 day of registration includes a meal and poker hand, along with a 50/50 raffle, live auction and variety of door prizes.  A party bus is also available for non-riders at  a cost of $10 per person.

The approximately 130 mile route goes from Perry to Panora, Bayard, Glidden and Grand Junction before returning to the Perry Elks Lodge for the meal and auction.

All proceeds from the event will go toward the Josh Davis Scholarship Award for a Perry High school graduate, as well as upkeep of the Josh Davis Plaza in downtown Perry and support of veterans charities.

Sign-ups next Saturday will take place at the Kickstand from 8-10am.

For more information, you can find a link to the ride’s Facebook page HERE



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