voteIn five days, Guthrie County voters will head to the polls and vote on how to elect their County Supervisors. Currently, they’re are elected by what’s called Plan 3, in which they’re voted on solely by citizens in their assigned district. A group of bipartisan citizens have petitioned to change that method to Plan 2, in which the districts would remain, but allow all voters in the county to vote in all five Supervisor races. Guthrie County Supervisor Mike Dickson opposes the change and says many of the petitioners came from a specific geographic location in the County. “Close to 90% of the signatures on the petition were from Lake Panorama and Panora. I don’t think that’s a good representation of the County, and a lot of people on that committee were the same people who pushed earlier this year for the Rural Improvement Zone, which continues to give Lake Panorama millions of dollars a year in Guthrie County taxpayer dollars.”

Dickson believes the current election method gives all regions in the County a better voice.

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