The ADM football team has plenty of starting jobs on both sides of the ball to award over the next month leading up to kickoff August 28 against Perry.

That’s no more so the case than in the trenches, where the Tigers will have to break in three new offensive linemen. ADM returns considerable size to the line in state wrestler Nathan Heath and to a lesser extent, fellow senior and second-year starter Hunter Gibson.

Other than that, ADM may be lacking in the size department this upcoming season. Veteran Tigers head coach Mike Whisner said that having less size isn’t all bad, however.

“Well, I really think from what I’ve seen, the size we have, they’re pretty strong and can handle themselves pretty well,” Whisner said. “The rest of the way across the line, we’re going to probably be quicker rather than being bigger than the opponent. They’re going to have to work together. That’s probably the big thing – as we progress here, is finding out who those other starters are as we progress and how they work together with the kids that are already there.”


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