Final 2015 Greene County High School baseball statistics reflect the improvement Coach Mark Sawhill’s Rams made from last season to this. The 2015 Rams were 19-11 overall and they tied for second place in the Heart of Iowa Activities Conference at 14-4. In 2014, Greene County was 11-15 overall and tied for fifth in the conference at 8-9.

The great majority of team statistics were better this season than last. For example, the team batting averages went from .260 in 2014 to .347 this year. Seven of the nine regulars batted above .300 this season compared to just two a season ago.Runs scored per game were also way up, from 5.2 to 7.3

Team ERA (earned run average) also improved from 4.25 a season ago to 3.13 this year. There was also improvement in the number of strikeouts recorded per game, opponents batting average, and the number of runs the opposition scored.

Two-thirds of the regular starting lineup graduated with incoming seniors Tyler Beger, Reid Lamoureux, and Daric Whipple back as starters.

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