iowa learning farmsArea farmers are invited to join Iowa Learning Farms for a field day in Minburn next week.

The event takes place at Craig Fleishman’s farm in rural Minburn Wednesday, August 5th.  Fleishman is an Iowa Learning Farms partner who has made changes to his operation to help with the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.

During the field day, Fleishman will share his approach to conservation farming and attendees will be able to visit his inter-cropped field  and a field recently planted with a mixture of cover crops.

Iowa State University agronomy professor and soil erosion expert Rick Cruse will also speak at the event along with ISU Extension and Outreach weed specialist Bob Hartzler.

The free event goes from 5:30-7:30pm on the 5th and includes a complimentary barbecue supper.

RSVPs are requested by today.  To reserve your spot, call 294-5429 or email

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