dallas countyThe Dallas County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session Tuesday.

Items on the agenda include approval of payroll change notices and human resources policies.

There are three public hearings scheduled in regards to the jail software upgrade plan, jail service agreement and courthouse service agreement.

The Board will then consider a service contract with Finestead Enterprises, consider a temporary road closure for the 18000 block of Wendover Avenue and approve an Adopt a Roadway application from the Jameson Dorrian Memorial.

Other agenda items include consideration of computer replacements for Sheriff’s office patrol cars, approval of a jail inmate meals provider contract, a presentation from LMC Insurance, an appointment to the Dallas Center Library Board, discussion on a fence installation order in Adams Township and two change orders for the human resources campus renovation project.

The meeting takes place at 9am in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in Adel.

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