While many people find fireworks displays to be pleasantly entertaining, dogs generally don’t. Linda Shelley with Panora P.E.T.S says fireworks can frighten animals and cause them to run away. She says fireworks are responsible for countless lost pets every year and it’s a good idea to leave them at home and inside during Independence Day celebrations.
We’re nearing county fair season and that means lots of fried and greasy food. While the decadent treats may taste good, Adair County Extension’s Nutrition and Wellness Program Specialist Barb Fuller says they’re packed with calories. Fuller says the average person has to walk a mile and a half to burn off the calories from a serving of light and fluffy cotton candy. A funnel cake requires three miles of walking to negate, and the biggest culprit, the footlong corn dog, requires four and a half miles of walking to burn off the calories. For the healthiest fair experience, Fuller recommends drinking water instead of calorie-packed and dehydrating soda and limiting yourself to just one treat.
The Adair County Fair runs from July 15th-19th this year and features many time-honored grandstand events. Fair Board Secretary Brenda Meisenheimer says the grandstand entertainment kicks off Thursday the 16th with the truck and tractor pull at 7 p.m. Country recording artist Jason Brown, of Des Moines, will perform on Friday the 17th at 6:30 p.m. and the final weekend of the Adair County Fair will wrap up with a demolition derby at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 18th and a rodeo at 6:30 p.m. will conclude the fair on Sunday the 19th. Meisenheimer will provide us with in-depth information of all the events in the days leading up to the fair.
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors had their last meeting of the fiscal year Tuesday. They approved letters of employment for deputies Rod Pavelka and Blake Michelson, to begin work today. Additionally, the Supervisors voted unanimously to approve salaries for publication and grant fireworks permits to Melissa Morrison, Paul Davis and Eric Grove.
Three members of the West Central Valley School District’s Board of Directors will be up for re-election in September. Directors Harry Light, Chad Waddell and Dianne Harwood are all up for election. Candidate nomination forms can be picked up at the West Central Valley District Office beginning July 6th and must be completed and turned in by July 30th. The election takes place on September 8th.