Perry City Council Meets Monday Evening
The Perry City Council will meet in regular session Monday.
Items on the agenda include approving delivery of an Iowa Energy Bank loan agreement, setting salaries for City employees for fiscal year 2016 and approving a cleaning services agreement for the public safety building.
New business items include consideration of an Urban Renewal Loan application, approval of a plat of survey and setting a public hearing in regards to the disposal of public property for the old middle school grounds.
The Council will then consider a request for forgive excessive sewer charges, a request to forgive fees associate with compliance clean up and discuss treatment and public awareness in regards to the Emerald Ash Borer.
The meeting takes place at 6pm in the Clarion Room of the Security Bank Building.
Dallas County Board of Supervisors Meeting Preview
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session Tuesday.
Items on the agenda include approval of payroll change notices and a health plan renewal, consideration of a business property tax credit application resolution and consideration of a cardiac monitors purchase for the Emergency Medical Services department.
The Board will then hold a public hearing in regards to the Conservation Board lawn mowers lease, discuss the courthouse geothermal testing proposal, and approve change orders for the human resources campus renovation project.
The meeting takes place at 9am in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in Adel.