With all the recent rainfall, our lawns may be getting longer.
With that in mind, Jefferson residents are reminded about the City’s ordinance about mowing grass.
Property owners cannot allow grass to get above eight-inches in length. If it looks like there’s no attempt to mow it, then the City will mow it and charge the homeowner $130 per hour with a one-hour minimum charge.
Police Chief Dave Morlan reminds residents to not blow grass clippings into the streets because it can cause problems.
“When homeowners do that, the grass runs into the catch basins and plug the catch basins up. It can create a real mess for the wastewater guys. So it’s not uncommon for us to stop and remind somebody about that or issue a citation if it’s an ongoing problem.”
Anyone with questions about the City’s mowing ordinance can call City Hall at 386-3111.