IMG_2103The Perry City Council met in regular session Monday.

At the meeting, City Administrator Butch Niebuhr mentioned that the sidewalk near the water tower is closed due to the tower painting project.  He also mentioned that the City will be looking into treatment options to try and prevent infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer, especially since it has now been confirmed in Dallas County.

Mayor pro-tem Phil Stone then read a proclamation in honor of Arbor Day on April 24th. The Council briefly discussed turkey vultures as well, mentioning that a few have been spotted in town so far this season.

A public hearing in regards to the rezoning of annexed property was then held.  When land is annexed into the City, it is automatically zoned agriculture.  Further action is required by the Council to change these parcels to match surrounding land uses and the comprehensive plan.  No comments from the public were heard.

A resolution supporting a tax credit application for the proposed development by Bear Development was then approved.  This is for the 38 unit complex that has been proposed for the property across Willis Avenue across from the public safety building.  Niebuhr says Bear Development has said they are at the top of the list to receive the Workforce Housing Tax Credit. The Council was polled via phone earlier this month, with Councilman Stone voting against the resolution.  After a motion, second and vote at the meeting the resolution was approved on record with a 4-1 vote.

A Neighborhood Stabilization Grant resolution with the Region XII Council of Governments was then approved.  This was necessary in order for Region XII to complete the final grant projects.  All contracts, administrative and technical services need to be extended to March 31st 2016.

The Council then voted to table the North Street project which would connect 16th and 18th Streets until next summer’s construction season.  This is in order to build up funds and hopefully get lower bids for materials, resulting in a lower price overall.  Niebuhr said the Dallas County Conservation Board’s decision to take the Raccoon River Valley Trail to High Trestle Trail connector out of Perry along Highway 141 and into Bouton will effect funding with the Central Iowa Regional Transportation and Planning Alliance.

Amy Rathje was then reappointed to the Perry Water Works Board of Trustees.

Finally, the first reading of an ordinance in regards to repealing and replacing the City rental code was then approved, as was the first reading of an amendment to the official zoning map, changing agriculture zoned parcels to match surrounding land uses and the comprehensive plan.

For more on the meeting and things happening in the City of Perry, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Dallas County when we speak with City Administrator Butch Niebuhr during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours on AM 1310 KDLS.

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