Greene County SheriffThe Greene County Sheriff’s office released its statistics from the recent Special Traffic Enforcement Program by the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau.

Deputy Dave Kersey says from March 13th through the 17th, the Sheriff’s office issued four citations and nine warnings.  Deputies also made three traffic arrests, two narcotic arrests and investigated one traffic accident.  During the St. Patrick’s holiday sTEP Wave last year, the Sheriff’s office issued ten warnings and 13 citations.

Kersey also conducts a pre-sTEP and a post-sTEP seat belt usage survey.  He observes 100 vehicles in a designated location and records who is wearing their seat belts.  During the pre-survey, 95% of motorists were wearing their seatbelts leading up to the sTEP Wave and 92% were wearing them for the post-survey.

The next sTEP Wave will be around the Memorial Day holiday from May 18th through the 31st.

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