The Dallas County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

At the meeting, the Board set a public hearing for April 7th at 9:30am in regards to the five year construction program for the County’s road department.  Engineer Jim George then shared a request to add another position to his department.  George said this is part of the long term goal to get the roads department back up to “full strength”.  The Board has already approved the addition of an operator starting July 1st, though George is looking to add a technician as well.  The Engineer says Dallas County doesn’t compare to other counties that are similar in size, when it comes to the number of staff members. George says without having someone with this expertise on staff, the County has to pay consultants to do the work.  George says the County will also see a roughly $200,000 increase in the current budget, due to the 10 cent increase in the gas tax that was recently approved by the state legislature and immediately put into effect.  The Board is expected to take action on the request at next week’s meeting.

An F-31 right-of-way easement document was then reviewed.  The County looks to obtain 4.32 acres at a lump sum amount of $173,193 from Dan and Linda Brewer at 19284 South Avenue in Dallas Center. This is an agreement with one of three parties effected by the F-31 project. Supervisor Kim Chapman asked George and County Attorney Wayne Reisetter if anything could get in the way of this project being completed.  The Attorney said yes, there is the possibility of something derailing the project but inferred that the probability of that happening is low.  The document was approved by the Board with a 2-1 vote with Supervisor Chapman voting against it.

A public hearing in regards to the Emergency Medical Service vehicle tele-monitoring system contract was then held.  Director Mike Thomason said the addition of this equipment will be beneficial for all involved. He compared the monitors to the Snapshot devices used by Progressive Insurance.  The cost to the County is $440 for the equipment, along with a monthly service charge of $75 and a one year contract.  Supervisor Mark Hanson said he didn’t have a problem with moving forward with this project, though the Board wants more information on the contract details and making sure prices are locked in as stated.

Next the Board discussed financing and ballot language for the administration and public safety space issues.  Chapman said he feels the project should go back to the voters for “another opportunity to support the needs of the Sheriff’s department” and he wants it to come before residents again in August.  Supervisor Mark Hanson said Chapman was not going to get any argument from him about the needs to move forward with the project and allowing voters to weigh in.  Hanson said he believes the proposed site is the right one for Dallas County.  He believes addressing the public safety space needs is the next step in the process of bettering facilities and meeting needs of those who live in Dallas County.  Hanson brought up the fact that the public safety portion of the last bond referendum brought before voters, received more support from overs than the administrative part.  Board Chairman Brad Golightly said he agrees that it needs to be addressed, though the administrative and court space issues are also crucial.  Both Chapman and Hanson acknowledged that some of the space needs are currently being addressed with the human services campus project.  Chapman said the administrative piece of the puzzle is becoming more complex now than it was before, while the public safety portion is a “no brainer.”  Chapman said anyone in Dallas County who believes we don’t need a new public safety facility needs to tour the current jail and offices, as he did last week, because the needs are evident.  Architect Jerry Purdy said his firm could be prepared to share ideas in the next couple of weeks.  The next time the issue could be brought before voters is August 4th, and ballot language would need to be approved by the Board by June 18th.

Finally the board discussed the human services campus renovation project.  Two change orders with Larson and Larson were then approved, saving the County a total of $32,179.  Progress on the project was also discussed and the Board may go tour the campus again next week.


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