Jefferson Police DeptWarmer weather means more people will be outside enjoying recreational activities like walking and riding bicycles.

Jefferson Police Chief Dave Morlan reminds everyone of some safety precautions to keep everyone safe outdoors.

The safest place for pedestrians is on the sidewalk.  But if pedestrians choose to walk on the street, they must walk facing traffic so they can see motorists coming and can easily move to avoid a possible accident.  He talks about other safety factors pedestrians should consider to make themselves more visible.

“The light colored clothing, any material that’s reflective, fluorescent vests, anything that makes you visible to the public is a really, really good idea.  In fact, if we’re out on something, on a highway or a busy street, and we know we’re going to be there for a little bit, we’re making sure that our people put the fluorescent vest on and are highly visible to the motoring public.”

Regular traffic laws apply to bicyclists and motorcyclists.  Morlan notes that the most important piece of equipment is wearing a helmet.

Skateboarders should also wear a helmet along with knee and elbow pads.  Morlan adds that they can use the skate park on East Lincoln Way as a safe place from traffic to perform tricks.

Morlan hopes everyone stays safe this spring and summer.


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