In a monthly report distributed to the Guthrie Center City Council at Monday’s meeting, Police Chief Rod Pavelka reported that his two man department issued six citations in the month of February. A quick calculation by Councilmember Roger Underwood led to the observation that it was just one citation every five days. Underwood then questioned if it was worth it for the city to have a two man police force, if that’s all the work that was being done. The statements come as the Council decides what to do with law enforcement in their city.
Mayor Denny Kunkle says he is researching companies that can analyze the efficiency of a City’s police department, but is finding just a couple of companies able to offer such a service. One of those companies, Kunkle says, is Moulder and Associates Police Management Consultants, headed by former Des Moines Police Chief Bill Moulder.
Discussion on the hiring of a third party consultation firm is expected to take place at the next council meeting on March 23rd.