A ten cent gas tax increase is expected to be voted on by both the Iowa House and Senate this week.

gas_pumpDiscussions about increasing the gas tax started a couple of years ago.  Governor Terry Branstad says he’s had five meetings with the leadership in both legislative chambers, which has been the driving force behind getting the bill drafted.

Greene County Supervisor Chair John Muir says he’s in favor of the increase.

“I’m in favor because I think there comes a time, and I think most people think there comes a time, when we have to step up and pay (for transportation infrastructure).  Then we can bring that right back to a local level and improve things that aren’t terrible yet.  But there’s something that will have to be addressed sooner or later.”

State Representative Chip Baltimore sits on the Ways and Means Committee, which voted 13-12 for the increase, and he didn’t vote for the bill.  His perspective has been to look at how the federal government is allocating its infrastructure funding to Iowa before raising the state’s gas tax.

Branstad agrees with Baltimore, but says the federal government’s deadline for its decision is May, and Iowa can’t wait that long.

“There’s too many off-the-top things in the federal (funding) that’s used for (things) other than roads and bridges and I’d like to see that changed.  We aren’t going to know that.  I still think we need to do our part at the state level and then hopefully they make some improvements at the federal level.  Whatever they do, will just give us more resources for what we need.”

The gas tax bill could be signed as early as this week.  The ten cent increase could go into effect as early as next month.


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