Dallas County Board of Supervisors Meeting Preview
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session Tuesday morning.
Items on the agenda include approval of payroll change notices, consideration of a flexible spending account annual limit adjustment and an update on the Holmes Murphy health plan.
Next the Board will consider wetland credit purchases from the City of West Des Moines, consider a pickup purchase request from the secondary roads department and hold a public hearing in regards to the EMS department’s contract with Verizon.
The meeting will wrap up with a budget workshop.
It all starts at 9am Tuesday in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in Adel.
Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce Announces Their First Chamber Banquet
The Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce is preparing to host their first Chamber Banquet next month.
The inaugural event will take place on Tuesday, March 24. Right now the Chamber is taking nominations for two new awards.
The Business of the Year award aims to recognize a business that has demonstrated growth in employment, production or operations and has a substantial history of success.
Volunteer of the Year will be awarded to a business, organization or individual who has devoted significant time and effort to community service initiatives and Chamber sponsored functions that positively impact the community.
Nominations will be accepted through Monday, March 2nd.