At the Guthrie Center Main Street facade project construction update meeting yesterday morning, the construction and architectural officials in charge of the project made an attempt to solve complaints from some building owners about updates, or in some cases, lack of updates made to their properties as part of the project. One such complaint made publicly earlier this week was by Troy and Dina Christensen, owners of D Vision, they were upset that it was winter, and that glass had still not been installed in their building’s windows. At Thursday’s meeting, representatives from Koester construction said that the glass for the windows has now been ordered, and could be received as early as next Wednesday. Another point of contention was the fourteen-hundred dollar cost of door glass replacement at Brenda Lehman’s Creative Hands, and Becky Benton’s State Street Insurance, the city council originally deemed that price to be too outrageously high to pay without discussion with construction officials. At yesterday’s meeting it came to light, that at both those businesses, the construction company forgot to install new door hinges, and door closers–and what those could have costed can now be credited towards the fourteen hundred dollar cost of installing the glass in the door. Another option presented was installing overhead fans above the doors, which would prevent them from frosting over, much like the proposed new glass would, but the fans would likely cost much less. It was stated that all parties will likely meet again for a similar meeting in February, though a date has not yet been set.

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