The City of Guthrie Center is mulling over the implementation of a dog ordinance to not only lessen the chance of a serious attack, but also to hold owners more responsible over their animals. Though pit bulls were mentioned specifically by council members at a meeting this week as a breed that could potentially cause problems, Mayor Denny Kunkle says there’s a good chance that any legislation would be non breed specific, “That’s what I would prefer. We’ve instructed our clerk to look into sample ordinances from other cities that are non breed specific. The problem with trying to be a dog specific ordinance, say for example a German Shepherd or Pit Bull doesn’t work, because for example, the only times I’ve ever been attacked by a dog, they were tiny”.
Guthrie Center City Council Researching Possible Dog Ordinance
The council is still in the research phase, and if any ordinance is to come of the brainstorming, it’s unlikely to happen in the near future.