
Five Paton-Churdan and five Greene County High School students are traveling to Ames High School today for the Iowa High School Speech Association State Individual Speech contest.

P-C Sophomore Ella Tasler qualified in two categories for state, but is unable to compete due to a prior commitment and so she is wishing the rest of the P-C Speech Team to do well today.

“I’m super excited to hear how my friends do because we had five other pieces besides the two of myself that made it. So I’m super excited to hear how they all do because they all did really well at districts and I just want to see how they perform at state.”

The other P-C students that are competing include Catarina Hobbs, Phoenix Hartman, Lily Trecker, Callie Martin, and Bridget Hobbs. 

Greene County senior Ava Binkley qualified in reviewing and she talks about what she is looking forward to the most at state.

“I kind of like watching everybody else go. Talking is fun, I guess, but it’s fun seeing everybody else perform. I’m just going to have fun, relax, (and) not take it too serious, you know?”  

The other Greene County students competing today include Maggie Mikkelsen, Randa Linberg, Maelee Schmidt and Kamden Kinne. Students that are selected for the All-State Festival must be nominated by the room judges and received a Division I-rating. The list of All-State nominations are released late Monday afternoon.