Tonight is the Greene County Lamb Producers Annual Banquet and Auction.
Steve Karber is with the Lamb Producers and says the event will take place at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds with doors opening at 6:30pm and the meal of a leg of lamb and sides that are provided by the Lidderdale Country Store will follow. He states that after several plaques are given to the 4-H’ers that won their respective sheep shows at last year’s Greene County Fair, comes the live auction.
Karber points out that all of the proceeds goes back to the youth and the promotion of lamb. He illustrates that they give scholarships, funding to continue to provide lambs to 4-H’ers who can’t afford to keep an animal with the Community Lamb Barn Project and for the Greene County Fair Board project to install a new photo background. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door.