
Saturday is the Iowa High School Speech Association’s State Speech Contest, and many students from schools in Guthrie County will be heading to Ames.

Panorama has five students making the trip to compete, with there being seven entries in three events for the group. West Central Valley had two students advance from the District Contest on March 1st. Alison Egger tells Raccoon Valley Radio about her event that she’s excited to compete in.

“Yeah, so it’s a literary program and I’m doing a short story and a couple of poems about sibling rivalry. Basically it’s just these characters who are fighting against each other because their sibling has it better or whatever and then in the end they realize, well, it actually isn’t all that bad. So they eventually come to (an) agreement that they can love each other and move on with their lives.”

Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center has six students that will be heading to Ames Saturday, with the group participating in five different events.