
The three high schools in Guthrie County are traveling today to compete at their respective FFA District contests.

Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center and Panorama are competing at Greene County High School, with West Central Valley competing at Murray High School. AC/GC has over 11 students competing in 14 events, and Panorama has five students competing in two events, with a third serving as the alternate for Ag Broadcasting. West Central Valley has 14 students competing in four events. A full list of the students and the events they are taking part in can be found in this story online.

Ag Broadcasting: Caydence Boals
Public Speaking: Lucy Knutter
Creed Speaking: Stetson Ellis
Ag Sales: Gavin Sloss
Chapter Program: Lilah Heinz, Mara Woolsey, Breann Hartwigsen
Extemporaneous Speaking: Nora Langgaard
Job Interview: Irelyn Wirt
Arc Welding: Blaise Tallman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding: Will Kading
Chapter Website
Experience the Action Team
Reporter’s Scrapbook
Secretary’s Book
Treasurer’s Book

West Central Valley
Parliamentary Procedure – Trinity Handy, Ty Kirkpatrick, Tyler Abbott, Connor Beane and Connor Light
Conduct of meetings – Abi Hart, Charlotte Craig, Jaxton Strawn, Dylan Abbott, Logan Bender, Logan Moore and Sarah Sargent
Job Interview – Bailey Dickson
Prepared Public – Avery Morey

Ag Broadcasting: Ella Carico, Alternate for Districts
Chapter Website – Zach Hayden
Ag Impact – Jacey Glade, Maci Hein, Maddie Olson, Kaylyn Walker