
Sen. Green (right) updates the crowd, while Rep. Nordman (middle) looks on

The Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County Board invites everyone to the second Meet Your Legislators forum on Saturday.

The initial event was held at the beginning of February that had over 20 people in attendance as House District 47 Representative Carter Nordman and District 24 Senator Jesse Green provided updates from their respective chambers and committees they serve on, while also addressing questions from the audience. Saturday’s forum will begin at 10:30am with a similar format of updates from the lawmakers before taking questions from those that attend. 

The 47th House District covers all of Greene and Guthrie Counties, and the northwest portion of Dallas County, including the city of Perry. The 24th Senate District represents all of Greene, Guthrie and Boone Counties, along with the northwest portion of Dallas County with the city of Perry, and the western edge of Story County. Saturday’s Meet Your Legislators is free and open to the public.