
With technology rapidly evolving and social media becoming more prevalent, an expert in Dallas County stresses how crucial it is to stay connected to people offline.

Community Health Educator Natalie Peters shares that social connection is developing close relationships with family, friends, a spouse, or even a community. She notes that these relationships can benefit self-health as bodies release hormones that lead to good feelings, and help people have a sense of belonging, resulting in a decrease of depression. Peters emphasizes that feelings of loneliness peak during the winter time when people are forced to stay indoors due to colder weather and she outlines strategies on how to combat it.

“The first step is to keep up with relationships that you already have, so try reaching out to friends, family, or acquaintances to either make plans to get together or just catch up over the phone. You can stay connected to your community and maybe meet some new people by volunteering with local organizations, or signing up for a fitness class, art class, book club, or other group activity.”

Peters mentions that interacting with animals, specifically adopting a pet, can also reduce negative feelings. She concludes that if loneliness is starting to affect your mental health by constantly being depressed, then consider speaking with a medical provider or therapist.