
Midwest Partnership is hosting their Annual Dinner next week.

Coordinator Kayla Willms says that they are celebrating with a theme of “Sharing the Vision,” which will allow area developers, business and community leaders to come together and go over the success of the past year. Willms explains that Midwest Partnership Executive Director Brenda Dudley will give her annual report, and then Casey native Ryan Moon from Greater Des Moines Partnership will be one of the guest speakers. She adds that there will also be speakers from two local businesses, one from Cardinal Glass in Greenfield on the company’s long history in the region, and one from Kwik Star in Stuart, who has just come in as a new to the area business.

Willms mentions that the cost to attend is $32 per plate or $180 per table of six. She shares that they do ask that those interested in attending please let her know by tomorrow by emailing her at or calling at 515-523-1262. The event will be held January 30th at the Casey Community Building, with a cash bar and social reception beginning at 6pm, dinner starting at 6:30pm, and the presentations to follow at 7pm.