A Greene County High School student is continuing in a national contest, as she advances to state.
The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program Area II Contest was held this past Sunday and according to Barb Labate, who is the Jefferson American Legion Contest Chair, senior Payton Wadsworth won first place and is now going to compete at the Department/State contest. Wadsworth had to write a speech based on the US Constitution, which she focused on how she believes the country is descending into fascism with her speech entitled, “We the People,” along with coming up with shorter speeches from four pre-selected Amendments to the Constitution.
Labate points out that Wadsworth started at the local level of the contest and after three rounds, and collecting a total of $700, she will now go to the state contest that will be held on February 16th in Des Moines. She emphasizes that Wadsworth is guaranteed prize money at the state contest, ranging from first place receiving $2,000 to third place with $1,000. Labate notes that if Wadsworth wins at state, she will then compete at the National Finals where the grand prize is a $25,000 college scholarship.
Labate adds that Wadsworth is the Jefferson American Legion Post #11 first-ever contestant as fewer and fewer high school-aged students are busier than ever with extracurricular activities, work and other events. She congratulates Wadsworth on all of her achievements.