The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday night.
The Council heard from Midwest Partnership Executive Director Brenda Dudley for their annual report, then approved the first reading of an ordinance regarding dissolving the Park and Recreation Board and transitioning to an Aquatic Center Committee with annual member appointments. They also approved resolutions regarding annual wage adjustments, along with annual appointments and designations.
The Council heard from Compliance Officer Wes Clark, in which he let them know that the garage at North 12th Street and State Street is now empty, and that the owner will begin tearing it down in the coming months. City Clerk Kris Arrasmith shared that the new server had been installed at City Hall, and data migration will begin soon, and that she was starting work on budget worksheets.
Mayor Mike Herbert shared that he had been approached about lowering the speed limit on Bluff Street between North 12th Street and Highway 44 near the Midway Motel, and conversation on that turned to possibly lowering the speed limit on School Street, and a possible sign along Highway 25 at the north edge of town to alert incoming trucks of the reduced speed, which will be considered at the next Council meeting.