Beloved Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger is being recognized by an Iowa institution tomorrow evening.
According to Perry Activities Director Tina Lutterman, Emily Brown who is the Drake University Director of Events of the Robert D. and Billie Ray Center will present the Iowa Character Champion Award to Marburger posthumously. Following Marburger’s death last January, the Perry School Board decided to rename the gymnasium court to the “Dan Marburger Court,” and Lutterman highlights that sports were apart of his world.
“He attended so many games. He just enjoyed watching the kids succeed, and compete, and learn, and grow, and all of the things that are involved with all of the activities because that’s one of the things he loved about high school is letting kids find ways to contribute and participate, and find out who they are and learn all of those lessons that come with participating in sports. It’s just a really great honor for him.”
Lutterman was Perry’s Softball coach for 15 years prior to taking the activities director position, and says that she always saw Marburger in the crowd cheering on the Jayettes. The court dedication ceremony is tomorrow at approximately 7pm on the Dan Marburger Court between the girls and boys varsity basketball games against Grand View Christian.