
The Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center LEOs Club has been able to help in some big and small cases over the last year.

Club Advisor Bob Bolton says that the group really gets into the swing of things starting in August, when they helped the Guthrie Center Lions Club run their booth during the Guthrie County Fair, then in September helped the Lions deliver Meals on Wheels and donated $1,500 do the Little Charger Early Learning Center. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the group helps out in the community with different groups.

“We help with our different organizations in town, like Main Street (Guthrie Center) or the development board, if they need some volunteers, we help them with various fundraiser dinners.”

Bolton mentions that they helped some new groups as well this year, by assisting the ACG multiple sclerosis warriors fundraiser. He adds that they also made a donation to the Ronald McDonald House, and did their usual of setting up displays and lights for the holidays in Mitchell Park.