The Greene County Board of Supervisors met on Monday in regular session.
During reports, County Zoning and Environmental Administrator Chuck Wenthold told the Board that Minnesota Utilities Commission approved a 28 mile route in two counties for the Summit Carbon Solutions proposed underground liquid carbon dioxide capture pipeline. In relation to that, Wenthold mentioned that last Thursday, three sites in North Dakota were also approved for the project.
County Attorney Thomas Laehn reported that there are 51 pending criminal cases, which is the fewest amount this time of year in quite some time. Comparatively, Laehn noted that last year at this time, there were 110 pending criminal cases.
Then during open forum, Mary Weaver, Alan Robinson and Derek Kennedy reviewed how this year’s projects went with their 144 Corridor Housing Initiative and thanked the Supervisors for their three year commitment of Louis Dreyfus funding of $5,000, with next year being their third and final year.
The Board then approved the final plans for a Greene and Carroll County bridge replacement project on Apple Street as presented, the 2026 fiscal year utilities rates including gas, railroad and electric with a total of $196,316,019 of assessed values and $88,236,038 of taxable values as presented, and the veterans homestead credit allowances as presented. They also heard several more 2026 fiscal year funding requests for Region XII Council of Governments with membership fees of $8,420, transit services of $5,174, match for mileage of $150, and Housing Trust Fund of $10,000; Greene County Fair Association for $24,000, Greene County Development Corporation for $50,000, and Central Iowa Tourism of $400. The Board took no action following the requests, until budgetary discussions happen next calendar year.