
The Dallas County Secondary Roads Department was able to finish a couple of projects this past summer.

Dallas County Engineer Al Miller tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the department repaved County Road P46 that stretches from the City of Dawson up to the Greene County line on Iowa Highway 141 as well as paving County Road R22 and 260th Street. He highlights several other maintenance projects that the department completed in the summer months.

“We got about 80 miles of reshaping and resurfacing of our gradual surface roads. About 28 culverts relayed or improved for those are larger box culverts that we did with county crews and some of the smaller contractors that work with us.”

Miller admits that the projects got off to a bit of a slower start with the wetter conditions at the beginning of the summer, but then was able to get a jump on it once everything dried back up in the later months.