
Two philanthropic organizations will be meeting Tuesday night to help local non-profits.

The 10 Squared Plus Men of Guthrie County and 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County are holding their final meetings of the year. The men’s group will be meeting in Casey at Tin Lizzie’s, and the women’s group will be meeting at the St Thomas More Center at Lake Panorama. Barry Monaghan says that the men’s group will have a social sponsored by Local Liquor at 7pm, with the meeting itself to begin at 7:30pm.

Kristen Crouthamel mentions that the women’s group will have their social beginning at 5:30pm, with the meeting to begin at 6pm. She adds that how they run the meeting is that they will pick three organizations before the meeting, and have a representative of each that is a 10 Squared Women member give a five minute presentation, followed by a three minute question and answer segment. Crouthamel says that they will then vote on which group they want to support, and tally the votes. New members are always welcome to join both groups.