
Heads up for Jefferson residents, the bi-annual water main flushing procedure will take place soon.

Public Works Director Dave Morlan says the Water Department will be clearing out water mains from next Tuesday through Thursday, as different portions of town will be rotated around. He advises to residents that on their respective day when the water main is flushed out, the water lines might have a discoloration, but it is only temporary.

“What they’ll see is rusty looking water from the iron getting stirred up. And what they need to do is just don’t do any laundry and do any whites. But until that’s cleared up, just run a faucet from a little bit and it’ll go away.”  

Morlan explains the reason why the Water Department flushes out all of the city’s water mains twice per year.

“It’s to keep what’s in the system cleaned out and fresher, newer water, better water. Flush it out, get rid of the old. Where the deadends are and stuff like that you know that’s where the water just kind of sits and gets stagnant. So by flushing things out they’re getting things stirred up and getting fresh water back into it.”   

Click on the image to see the map of the dates, times and what part of town will have water mains flushed. Morlan adds if someone should see discoloration if they are doing laundry during or immediately after a water main flush, is to call the Water Department at 515-386-2611.