
The Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center (AC/GC) Marching Band was part of a large competition on October 5th, and came away with impressive results.

Band Director Kyra Babcock says that the group took part in the 2024 Southwest Iowa Band Jamboree, as part of 45 schools from Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri who were there. She mentions that 21 of those schools including AC/GC competed in the Class 1A classification. Babcock continues that the band did a lot of research and studying on their competition, and worked to be closer to the judges scoring expectations.

Babcock says that they were also surprised with the results of the competition, as they finished fifth in Class 1A, and were the only band from Iowa in the top five. She adds that they had two goals going into the competition, which were to finish in the top ten, and top three of the Iowa bands in Class 1A. Babcock explains that she is extremely proud of the hard work and effort that they put in to get to this final result.