
The weather has started cooling off a little as the season begins to change from summer to fall.

This makes being outside more comfortable for many, allowing for more time outdoors. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Interpretive Naturalist and Educator Anne Riordan wants to remind everyone to be safe when they are out camping and hiking, especially in situations where you could possibly interact with wildlife.

“Our folks that come and visit in the wild areas need to keep in mind that these are still wild animals. They look like cute little fuzzy things that you could walk right up and pet, but really, they are still wild animals. And one of the best things we can do is watch them from a distance. It is lots of fun to see a raccoon, or to see a(n) opossum or to even see a deer from a little ways away.”

Riordan mentions that in camping areas, some wildlife like raccoons are not as fearful of humans because they are around together more frequently. She warns that this does not make them any friendlier though, just more likely to not run away when people are around.