
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Volleyball team is coming off opening day this past Thursday where they won two of their three matches, looking to build on the performance.

The Tigers captured wins against Harlan Community and Woodward-Granger in two sets, while falling to Des Moines Christian in three sets. ADM Head Coach Trevor Irwin calls the beginning of the fall season “fun” because it allows teams to figure out their identity for the year. He says early on into the season, the team doesn’t fixate too much on the finite details, but rather want the girls to get their legs under them. However, following the first few matches, Irwin is going to start locking in on an array of zones.

“How we want our serve receive patterns to be, what’s our go-to for their first hit, all those specifics, and then eventually we’ll build more off of that.”

Irwin says he’s been enjoying nailing down the systematics with the 2024 Tigers team and pinpoint the right direction to navigate towards. ADM will be hosting Norwalk in Adel tomorrow with the game time at 8:10pm.